Dead Link City - The Museum of Dead Links
74 different broken links feature on this page. Enter "" in your link checking
tool to scan this website.
The perfect score is 74 - the closer the result is to 74, the more accurate the tool is.
Which is the best Broken Link Checker? See the Comparison Table.
Scans performed in May 2016.
This website contains 74 intentionally bad HTML links, in order to verify that they are detected by various link-checking tools. The errors fall into a few broad categories:
- 36 Simple HTML error status codes 4xx or 5xx
- 3 HTML <A> links to non-existent pages or domains.
- 1 HTML <A> link to a non-existent page which is denied to robots.
- 4 HTML <A> links which redirect in various ways to a non-existent page.
- 3 missing CSS background images - declared in inline style, external css file, and <style> element respectively.
- 27 missing files referenced by HTML elements other than <A> - for example <ins cite="missing.html">No cite</ins>
- There is one bad link (to 'disallowed/disallowed.html') which is 'disallowed' in the robots.txt file. Scanners which respect robots.txt should not report this link
See here for a list of the bad links on this page.
- Errorcode 400 - Bad Request
- Errorcode 401 - Unauthorized
- Errorcode 402 - Payment Required
- Errorcode 403 - Forbidden
- Errorcode 404 - Not Found
- Errorcode 405 - Method Not Allowed
- Errorcode 406 - Not Acceptable
- Errorcode 407 - Proxy Authentication Required
- Errorcode 408 - Request Timeout
- Errorcode 409 - Conflict
- Errorcode 410 - Gone
- Errorcode 411 - Length Required
- Errorcode 412 - Precondition Failed
- Errorcode 413 - Request Entity Too Large
- Errorcode 414 - Request-URI Too Long
- Errorcode 415 - Unsupported Media Type
- Errorcode 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable
- Errorcode 417 - Expectation Failed
- Errorcode 420 - Enhance Your Calm
- Errorcode 422 - Unprocessable Entity
- Errorcode 423 - Locked
- Errorcode 424 - Failed Dependency
- Errorcode 429 - Too Many Requests
- Errorcode 431 - Request Header Fields Too Large
- Errorcode 450 - Blocked by Windows Parental Controls
- Errorcode 500 - Internal Server Error
- Errorcode 501 - Not Implemented
- Errorcode 502 - Bad Gateway
- Errorcode 503 - Service Unavailable
- Errorcode 504 - Gateway Timeout
- Errorcode 505 - HTTP Version Not Supported
- Errorcode 506 - Variant Also Negotiates
- Errorcode 507 - Insufficient Storage
- Errorcode 509 - Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
- Errorcode 510 - Not Extended
- Non-existent page link to
- Non-existent domain link to http://www.domaindoesnot.exist
- 301 redirection to a valid link on this site
- 302 redirection to a valid link on this site
- 301 redirection to an invalid link
- 302 redirection to an invalid link
- Double 301 redirection to an invalid link
- Double 302 redirection to an invalid link
- Missing, disallowed by robots.txt
- Missing, allowed by robots.txt
- Inline Style, background image exists
- Inline Style, background image missing
- HTML Style element, background image exists
- HTML Style element, background image missing
- External Style element, background image exists
- External Style element, background image missing
Test references within HTML tags.
Note that some of these tags may not be displayed by all browsers, but the references will still be checked.
- Area/href:
- Audio/src, Source/src:
- Blockquote/cite
This quote has an invalid 'cite' attribute.
- Button/formaction:
- Command/icon:
- Del/cite:
This deleted text has an invalid 'cite' attribute. - Embed/src:
- Form/action:
- Frame/src, Frame/longdesc:
- Head/profile:
This page's 'head' tag has an invalid 'profile' attribute - HTML/manifest:
This page's 'HTML' tag has an invalid 'manifest' attribute - Iframe/src, IFrame/longdesc:
- Img/src, Img/longdesc:
missing image
- Input/src, Input/formaction:
- Ins/cite:
This inserted text has an invalid 'cite' attribute. - Link/href:
This page's 'head' has a 'link' tag with an
invalid 'href' attribute - Object/classid, object/codebase, object/data:
- Q/cite:
This quotation has an invalid 'cite' attribute.
- Script/src:
missing script - Video/poster, Video/src: